
Feral Children

Got two words for you: Feral Children. Not to be confused with Pharrell or Ferrall, and definitely no laughing matter. I have found evidence of the existence feral children through the internet research I have come to excel in at work. I now submit to you, an unbiased group of my peers, proof of the existence of feral and near-feral children living on the internet.

Example 1
watch as much of the following video as you can stomach, you may need to revisit it for clarification:

As you can see this little girl though not feral is pretty fuckin punk rock for a six year old. We can definitely assume that she was not raised completely by animals, but it is reasonable to assume she may have a parent or parents addicted to Smack, lives in one of these abandon warehouses, and eats dented cans of sauerkraut from a near buy cannery to subsist. Thus, she receives understandably less nurturing and homo social interaction than normal children which is evident in the way she lashes out against objects she finds to be frightening, or incomprehensible. She has had very little or no schooling at all, but based on her defensive techniques, has in fact been exposed to kung fu. Surprisingly however, this girl has learned how to speak though I suspect she is mocking words she has heard repeatedly more so than engaging in comprehensible linguistics due to the fact she simply repeats four fucking words.

Now, as for the gentlemen in the video; this has raised quite a debate within myself. It is possible that they are merely projected imaginary figures the girl has made in an attempt to define and link herself with the human race, or, they are the remnants of her junky father's new wave band on a severe perma-trip who, in such delusional state, actual believe they are playing to a sold out Madison Square Garden.

Example 2
Let's move further away from humanism and view an example of the step just before feralness. This example I like to call Homo Domesticus. As you will see in the video at this particular state of development the subject has zero speech capability, avoids human contact (except when provoked or enticed by reward), and has evolved watching animals rather than humans and thus imitates them is it's movements and gestures.

We can see the subject has learned simple weaponry which may have been learned, but as history proves can be self-taught.

Example 3
As far as complete feralness of human beings are concerned, no cases have been documented in the last century. There has however been this footage of an Indian boy captured in the early 80s who had apparently been raised by a group of wild B-boys. As you will see his movements are highly unorthodox and the noise he makes are indiscernible to the human ear. Though he seems gentle he in fact has never been touched on the dance floor.

In closing, if should ever happen to wander off the beaten path and encounter one of these less than savory little bastards, YOU DON'T BE A HERO! You do what every other one of us would do and fuckin' book it outta there man.

I really apologize to anyone who actually read this whole posting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i can tell i am gonna like this blog. witty, but not too witty.