
Singin' About Pervin'

I haven't done Creep of the Week for a some time now but here's a good one to kick off the 2K9er. First of all let me state that I have nothing against Steely Dan; in fact I just downloaded their entire entire catalog off Pirate Bay (it's 3 gigs of music). I will say this though; I do not condone cousin kissing (cousins not related by blood are evaluated on a case by case basis), And, I especially do not condone naming children Dupree. What the fuck kinda fucking family is this?

"How old are you now darlin'? 15? Well why don't you come suck face with old Dupree over here, hot damn"

Please enjoy Cousin Dupree by Steely Dan. Try not to get turned on by the way Fagan tickles the ivories and grasps the keytar's thick blue neck or you're gay.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Now, I'm gonna Jerry Lee Lewis out and hook up with my cousin.