
Guardian Angels: Vigilante Creeps.

What do ex-military turned dismissed police officers turned retired security guards do when idol moments leave them craving excitement, action, authority, and beating people? If you said drive their car into a pedestrian mall full of people give yourself one point. If you said form a group of low budget vigilantes give yourself two points, you win.

You may have in the past, on Denver's Capitol Hill or in other cities, seen a man wearing Combat boots and black fatigue pants, a white sweatshirt and red beret peddling hastily towards you on a Wal-Mart mountain bike. His white knuckles visible through the holes in his fingerless gloves; pepper spray and hand cuffs accessible and ready. Most likely on his way to tackle a man trying to sell a clock radio for two dollars. You may have seen these men, with a complex for thanklessly beating homeless people and petty criminals. Side-kicking drug attics in the face under overpasses and gang tackling graffiti writers . Working hard to stop bullying by strong arming weaker individuals.

Founder Curtis Sliwa works hard to promote intercity youth to join his side, gaining him and all important foot hold in the community by which to infiltrate (I call this the Shredder tactic). Here is a gang of Angels serving justice on a kid for tagging just a few months ago.

I'm not a lawyer but I'd feel much safer if those boys didn't do that so close to the train.
Perhaps the Angels have saved countless lives and are solely responsible for making Brooklyn once again safe to inhabit, but to me they'll always be crazy fuckers with shitty bikes. It's one thing to defend yourself or someone else when you see a wrong being committed, but to get up everyday and dress like an idiot just to go looking for it makes you a weirdo, and possibly a criminal yourself.


ez said...


Fuck those assholes. And they dress like Rerun from What's Happening.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't pay 2 dollars for a clock radio. To say they dress like Rerun is a compliment. Hey, hey, hey!

bookie said...

what if the clock radio had dual alarms and projected ceiling display? The kind one might find at Sharper Image or better retailers nationwide.

Anonymous said...

Now you're talking. Will you accept a check? Hey, hey, hey!