Dance music is a strange bitch. The culture that enjoys it seems to be one of gross excesses. Excess fragrance, excess hair product, excess makeup, Scion accessories and wrist bands. Socially dancing has always been some what of a sexual venture. From trying to keep your awkward boner from brushing against your spring dance date, to grinding all up on some chicken headz in the club; dancing conveys love. If love were a blossoming flower, music would be the rain that quenched the parched soil and made it fertile.
I watched excess hours of dance music videos last week and found plenty more evidence of dance music's sexual nature. I have compiled in my opinion some of the best (i'm not going to define best) songs/videos found from my research. Some more for the video while others the song, the key here is synergy; where one lacks the other picks up. A formula that goes something like:
ass+tits/bpm=thrustocity. Benny Benassi - Satisfaction

You've probably heard this song in this form or another, but unless your mom took you to her aerobics class in '87 chances are you've probably never seen so much butt floss in your life. Unless you have one of those girlfriends who dress everyday like there's a theme party to attend, then you're probably over this already.

A personal favorite not only for the clever plot line and sweet fast-mo/slow-mo editing, But also for making such a hetero male fantasy out of a really gay song by a couple of gays.

This one tested well amongst black drum lines, white band nerds, and most all sports fans but really except for the "camel hammock" shot, they don't have a lot going on.

This song is one of the worst examples of music I have ever heard; I'm not even sure how trucks do it (dump trucks, maybe). It's sad watching such beautiful women half heartedly thrust their way through 3 minutes of bad music, but this is Europe and they will probably do much sadder things before their time.
i am not letting my children read the creepodepot blog anymore. what is this filth?
- a concerned mother
I greatly appreciate your concern, and value your comment. However, it is my opinion that you're a failed mother for letting them read it in the first place. Please stop neglecting your children before they end up in foster care.
Best wishes,
I once did a truck... it was painful. There was bruising and the truck never called me after wards.
truck must of had some good "Pickup" lines...
When I was younger, I moved to this small town where the local authorities had banned dancing and rock music.
lolz Crab. lolz
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