
Give the web a Hot Carl.

Have you ever came across a website that deserved a Cleveland Steamer like so many Colfax hookers? Was the layout and content so poor you just wanted to soil your monitor to avoid seeing it any longer? Well, Now you can!

(I've always maintained that this blog is shit, here's more proof)

Some internet geniuses from right here in Denver recently created a stanky brown coil you can place on any web page you so choose. Simply visit doodoolicio.us, provide a web address, and lay glorious cable all over the net. Send links to your friends, send links to yourself, send links to corporate feedback emails.
Let's say you have a problem with Subway restaurants. Send them this link with a note of disapproval.

(this is not exactly the $5 Footlong I was hoping for)

Maybe you have an ex-someone and she's a real bitch. She might enjoy an email with this link.

(we could have been so good together, but you fucked it all up.)

Or just make some sort of vague, lowbrow political statement that all of your restaurant co-workers can rally around.

(George Bush sure did leave his mark. Forward this to 10 friends or he'll be re-elected)

This invention is so great I hear by declare it the winner of the first ever Perp Award (Perpie) for Creative Achievement.
(this is not a real award)

1 comment:

ez said...


Lindsey and I are on the outs, but don't hot carl her... we may still work it out. I mean I have this tanning bed and all of this coke just laying around.